Baritone Ukuleles
1-6 of 6 productsFilter

Mahalo Master All Solid Baritone Ukulele

Mahalo Pearl Baritone Ukulele

Freshman Baritone Ukulele Ash

Alvarez RU22B Baritone Ukulele

Fender Fullerton Precision Bass Ukulele 3 Color Sunburst

Mahalo 2031B Solid Electric Bass Ukulele
About Baritone Ukuleles
The baritone ukulele, with it’s deep, soulful tone, is a bit of an outlier in the ukulele family. The largest of all the ukulele sizes, it is the only model not tuned to GCEA. The baritone ukulele almost has more in common with the guitar as it’s DGBE tuning is the same as the top 4 strings on the guitar. In this sense it is a kind of hybrid between the two. Perfect for anyone making the move from ukulele to guitar and guitarists who are on the move and looking for a smaller travel instrument.
Although the baritone ukulele is in a different tuning, the intervals between the strings are the same. This means that all the chord shapes you’ve learned on small ukuleles still apply to this instrument; they are just 5 semitones lower. For example, the first chord everyone learns on the ukulele is C. On the baritone ukulele the fingering for a C chord produces a G chord.
Baritone ukuleles are more specialist musical instruments and not as common as other ukuleles. Alvarez and Freshman both make excellent examples of baritone ukuleles. Baritone ukes are great for ukulele players who fingerpick or are looking to create a blues style of music. These instruments are perfect for those who prefer that deeper and fuller sound.
Why Should I Choose a Baritone Ukulele?
- Deep, soulful tone
- Lower register than other ukuleles
- Stepping stone between ukulele and guitar