Open Back Headphones

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About Open Back Headphones

Open Back Headphones are designed to give the listener the ultimate in sound quality. These over ear headphones allow sound leak out from the headphones, and for ambient sound in your environment to leak in. The net result of this is a much more natural, open sound and overall more natural feeling listening experience.

Open back headphones are preferable over closed back headphones or even semi open back headphones in situations that require critical listening where the detailed sound gives you the most accurate recreation of your source. They're also fantastic in the right environment for long listening sessions, as the open nature and exchange of air prevents low frequency build up tiring your ears.

Open back headphones are often the choice of listeners looking for audiophile headphones, and these often feature a built in audio cable for the highest fidelity transfer of audio data.


Why Should I Choose Open Back Headphones?

  • Provide the most natural recreation of your audio source
  • Gives you a more immersive listening experience over closed back
  • Ideal for situations requiring more critical listening

Frequently Asked Questions about Open Back Headphones

Question: What's the point of open back headphones?
Open Back Headphones allow ambient noise in your environment to reach your ears while listening, making for a much more realistic and immersive listening experience. This provides you with a more accurate and natural representation of your audio, which feels more akin to listening with speakers than heavily isolated headphones.
Question: Do open back headphones really sound better?
"Better" is very subjective, but open back headphones are designed to provide a more natural and accurate feeling representation of your audio source thanks to the design allowing you to hear ambient noise in your current environment.
Question: Can other people hear open back headphones?
Yes, open back headphones allow for greater leakage of sound, but they're typically used in situations where your headphone volume doesn't need to be super high, or in environments where the leakage is not an issue.
Question: Do open back headphones leak a lot?
Yes, open back headphones allow for greater leakage of sound compared to closed back, but they're typically used in situations where your headphone volume doesn't need to be super high, or in environments where the leakage is not an issue.
Question: Do I want open or closed back headphones?
That really depends on your requirements and environment. Open Back are ideal for the most natural recreation of your audio source, but closed back can be more useful in noisier or busier environments.