Doug Aldrich Guitar Clinic at guitarguitar Glasgow

Published on 28 August 2024

1 Minute Read

Rockers, it’s time to get your horns up in the air for the one and only Doug Aldrich descending on guitarguitar Glasgow for an exclusive clinic in association with Blackstar amps!

About Doug Aldrich

To fans of hard rock, Doug needs no introduction. Known from bands such as Whitesnake and Dio (to mention a few), Doug is currently touring with his most recent formation - The Dead Daisies - and continues to influence the guitar world. Fond of his Les Paul and Blackstar amps, Aldrich’s tone delivers a punch every rock guitarist desires.

Doug Aldrich Clinic

We are thrilled to have Doug Aldrich host an exclusive guitar clinic at guitarguitar Glasgow with our good friends at Blackstar Amps. Doug will chat about his career: what it was like to be a rockstar in the 80s and what a day on tour looks like. Doug will play through some of his most notable riffs whilst talking about his current rig and demoing how to dial the ultimate hard rock tone with Blackstar amps (Doug uses the HT range - HT100 MKIII). 

He will take some questions from the audience upon the end of the event.

The Details

Our guitar clinic with Doug Aldrich will take place on Thursday the 12th September at 7:00 pm at guitarguitar Glasgow.

As always our events are free but we require you to book a slot as we have limited spaces available and we expect this clinic to be in extremely high demand.


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About the author


Marketing and Social Media Assistant

Obsessed with guitars, live shows & travels.

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