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Moog EP-3 Expression Pedal

Moog Mavis Monophonic Semi-Modular Analogue Synthesizer

Moog Subharmonicon

Moog Minitaur Analog Bass Synth

Moog DFAM Drummer From Another Mother Percussion Synth

Moog Matriarch

Moog Grandmother Semi-Modular Synth

Moog Subsequent 37

Moog Mother-32

Moog Muse Polysynth

Moog Spectravox Semi-Modular Analog Spectral Processor

Moog Labyrinth

Moog Minimoog Model D 2022 Edition

Moog Theremini

Moog Subsequent 25
About Moog
Moog (rhymes with vogue) are behind the world's first popular synthesizers and feature on albums by legends including The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, The Doors, Yes, Kraftwerk, Stevie Wonder, Devo, Rush, Madonna and Gary Numan.
Moog in the 21st century are as vital as ever. With many companies emulating their past, Moog have forged into the future without losing their identity. Analog synthesizers such as the Voyager and Sub 37 became instant classics and new editions including the Mother-32 and Grandmother mirror their beginnings with a semi-modular construction that somewhat ironically brings them right up to date with Eurorack compatibility.
The iconic sounds of Moog synthesizers have also been featured heavily on TV and Film scores, including the fantastic soundtracks for Apocalypse now, Stranger Things, Drive, A Clockwork Orange and the groundbreaking Jeff Bridges film Tron.
Moog also make some amazing effects pedals in the form of their Moogerfooger and Minifooger lines. Constructed using components straight out of their synths, Moog have brought their classic analog quality to the table for guitarists, DJ's and music producers to enhance, warp and brutalize their audio with. Some Moog pedals users include Kim Gorden from Sonic Youth, Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, Joey Satiago from The Pixies and Flea, Josh Klinghoffer and John Frusciante of Red Hot Chili Peppers fame.
Why Should I Choose Moog?
- Analog Excellence
- Made in the USA
- Moog Products Have Shaped Music History
- Professional Grade Products