Designing the PERFECT signature guitar with JON GOMM - Artist Toolkit

Published on 12 August 2022

Designing the PERFECT signature guitar

Have you ever wondered how a professional guitarist chooses all the specs for their signature guitar?

Well have we got the video for you!

We had the amazing privilege of sitting down with acoustic guitar maestro Jon Gomm before his clinic at our Epsom store to find out all about his incredibly versatile Ibanez JGM signature model in this latest instalment of our Artist Toolkit series!

Jon runs us through all the construction choices he made as well as an in-depth look in to how the multi-pickup system in the JGM can be used. Through years of cutting his teeth on the gigging scene and developing a playing style that never fails to impress - Jon has worked with Ibanez to create an incredibly balanced electro-acoustic that perfectly reflects who he is as an artist whilst still holding itself as a adaptable acoustic guitar that would be ideal for any player.

Check out Jon's Ibanez JGM5 signature model here!

Jon Gomm performing at a guitarguitar store

Artist Toolkit

Introducing our new series 'Artist Toolkit', where artists give you a look behind the curtain. Learn first hand how some of the best and most exciting minds in music developed their signature techniques, rigs & setups that shaped their sound and other secrets that defined their style. Check out the full playlist below!

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